onsdag 4 november 2009

A sleepless night ...

I can not sleep. Is a great feeling in my body that I would soon show. I can not swallow the disappointment or anger. I feel damn disappointed. But you only see happy out. Is this how you want it? Is the war you want so you will definitely not be without it. I obviously can not do the right under you. But you can absolutely NEVER do wrong. And do you believe that a pardon would be enough for this? So you can forget it. You have betrayed me + that you have lied to me in the face, then there is nothing to say sorry to. For a pardon does not exist more in my world. I thought we had a friendship. But they turn out to be fake people who tried eh my friends. I just want to go to bed now but I do not know just how I want to shout out to remove all the rage. But they are silent & no one hears me. What should I do for me to fall asleep for a few hours. You are hiding reached for me. Is it still a new truth, perhaps that is hidden somewhere? I can not be with you more. You are so terribly pathetic that they hardly know whether to laugh or cry. This really sucks life & life is full of lies & fake people.

Those who know WHAT I mean & WHO I mean quite understand my feelings, anger & disappointment ..

The game is over. Just as well to add cards are on the table, you will still lose to me how you do..

You can never read my poker face. I'm just having. But look what happened?!
What did I tell you? Well you would lose. And it was the you did. You lose. You have no chance against me more. Now is the I who decides!

I love to win!

friends or liars...

To know the truth after the event is the worst that can happen. I thought it would va honest with each other. I have always taught me and so mom always says:''Honesty is the best''. But it did not do it now. And I feel so damn angry, hurt, forgotten & disappointed. It was I who had to take all that crap again. It has always been so. I will of course always seems wrong. The rest of you can never do wrong. To lie to me in the face huh terribly low. You spit in my face, frankly. I thought friendship was when your friends accept one that it is. But they do apparently some do not. Then they are called false friends. Friendship
is not something you can make it as a gift to Nurture as a priceless jewel. Friendship is a security concern when the date becomes difficult give peace of anxiety, light candles in the dark. Friendship does not require
it is given voluntarily, without ulterior motives, give your friendship as a gift and you will find joy. But I was apparently wrong about some''friends''. Being at loggerheads & then make friends with the person again for another's sake is not a true friendship. It is called simply false or''so long''friends. I have therefore begun to tire of all these with friends. For nothing seems to work correctly or appears to be true. So I wonder if I have true friends who love me for who I am and nobody else! And no one else I'm going to va. Therefore, I have no confidence in you more and do not know if I will have it more either. Friends set up, is there when you need them. You should be Able to talk about everything, but they will also. You should be Able to hug & be loved by his friends. But this is no friendship. You should have respect for each other and accepting each other's decisions. Does not work here so they are just as well to terminate the contact with each other. And I have not seen that this has worked out one end time. And that is why I get sick of everything now!

Nu va jag här igen!


Nu va jag här igen! Den andra bloggen va inget för mig. Jag förstog mig inte riktigt på den. Men de är jag i ett nötskal. När de gäller bloggar så är jag riktigt blond & dum. Men den här förstår jag mig på så småning om lär bloggen se lite med snyggare ut får vi hoppas. Lite allmänt så här så fick jag reda på att jag hade influensa/virus i kroppen så att jag inte får vistas runt folk mängder. Samtidigt fick jag svar idag att jag har streptokocker men att jag har grupp A, där behandlar dom inte det. Och så känner jag mig utmattad & tror jag skulle kunna hosta sönder mig nu. Hmmm.. så får inte träna den här vecka. De känns riktigt surt. Men men är man sjuk så är med, kan krya på mig tills matchen nästa vecka iställe. Så får vi hoppas att jag kommer till skolan på måndag. Men kul att sitta en och en halv timme på hälsocentralen ungefär. Trött va man och jag hann bara va EN timme i skolan -.- de känns inte så lyckat, kunna lika bra ha varit hemma. Nåja så jag slapp skriva prov. Men måst skriva om matte provet snart också. Men lite över allt annat så har dagen bara rasat ner och jag känner mig förbannat arg, ledsen, sårad & besviken. Så känner jag mig just nu. Men nu orkar jag verkligen inte tjafsa heller. Men ibland undrar man vad de är för fel på vissa människor. Och ibland undrar man om man har äkta vänner. Nåja nu ska jag inte grubla över det. Och i morgon ska jag ringa besiktningen. Hoppas bara den går igenom. Så jag får köra snart!! Och nu sitter jag hos Johan ensam hemma. Tova på jobb, Daniel på jobb & Johan är på Widmans crossen. Såå det känns lite ensamt, men de lär nog gå. Ska ta lite te och sen krypa under täcket och se på lite tv. Ni får gärna ringa och underhålla mig och göra mig på bättre humör. Men nu ska jag inte tråka ut er mera med alla mina problem. Hör av er om ni vill något.

Love you my bitches!