onsdag 11 november 2009


I am so terribly disappointed with myself so I am doing and go into the wall. In anticipation and hope that everything will sort out themselves. But I thought wrong. I am so sorry for everything I have done unto you. Do you hate me but you're my best friend understand it! And I miss your humor & everything that Johan, I & you did. Where did they go? I miss them and I miss you two. Your laughter makes me feel good. Your wacky sense of humor I like. And because you always are there for. You have done a lot for me. And they appreciate that. You're my best friend no matter what happens. Understand that you are disappointed in me and I'm disappointed with myself about myself. But eh loggerheads with you makes me crazy and is soon to go into the wall. Hope you understand me and that everything will be all right. Im so sorry Daniel!


Johan what would I do without you? You are absolutely the finest man I know. And I love you more than anything else. Would never huh, but you a second. You are definitely my all. You always make me feel good. Your laugh makes my hot & warm your body and your arms makes me feel safe at all times. I love you now & forever. Them here 9 months with you have every completely wonderful and I hope they get everything for months package, accompanied by you. Always have fun with you. You are a wonderful person. So that they always will be Johan & Malin. Love you, Johan Andreas Eriksson. / / Your Malin

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